Happiness is skin deep


Happiness is skin deep

I have come to accept my skin. It’s thin, easily offended and without fail, reminds me when I haven’t been getting enough sleep. Since my skin and I are stuck with each other, I have come to understand it, and know what makes it happy. When my skin is happy, I find myself in a good place.

So let’s talk about happy skin. The harsh truth is that we live in an environment that often works hard to make our skin downright unhappy.  Pollution, sun damage, and stress all wreak havoc on the well-being of our skin.  A good diet is essential, but great skincare is key. I have found that a clean beauty attitude is as integral to the health of our skin as a clean diet can be.

The first time I was introduced to the power of plant oils, I was awestruck with the experience. I was hopeful, but never expected my skin to respond so immediately. But like a garden after a good rainfall, my skin blossomed and I have not looked back.

Plant oils can be complex, and have unique characteristics to them, such as comedogenic properties — meaning how likely they are to clog our pores. They can also be categorized as either ‘dry’ or ‘wet’ oils, referring to how quickly they absorb into the skin. Face oils and serums, such as the ones we create at Audre Leigh, are designed based on the unique active qualities each oil brings to the skin. Our basic kitchen staples, like coconut and olive oil, which are skin-friendly and great for many skincare uses, are not always tolerated by many skin types, so before you slather on that organic olive oil you have in your cupboard, let’s talk a little about skin-friendly oils! 

Plant oils come from a long list of fruit, flower, vegetable and grain seeds — cold-pressed is best, as is organic. Precious flower seed oils, such as Rosehip and Camellia (green tea) have a low chance of clogging pores, and are considered great skin regenerators — suitable for acne sufferers and well-tolerated by most.  Argan, Borage and Jojoba are seen as the ‘holy grail’ of oils with their abilities to repair, moisturize and tone our skin.

Plant oils are chock full of vitamins and fatty acids, with omega 3, 6 and 9 being of particular interest, as they help heal and build strength in our skin cells. We often hear of antioxidant-rich foods, and the same can be applied to skincare. Think of face oils as a protective barrier to the pollution in our environment — from car exhaust, smoke, stress and sun damage, which all compromise the overall health of our skin. Keeping our skin happy isn’t always easy, and we are seeing a societal shift in focus on self-care as a result, with a renewed interest in ancient beauty rituals making a comeback. Ayurvedic beauty practices are also coming back into vogue, with the resurgence of such practices as Mukepaleham, where precious oils are deeply massaged into the skin allowing for the time needed to connect and build a relationship with our beauty regimen. On the flip side, commercial lotions filled with silicones, fragrances and preservatives — that have no skin benefits — are being called into question for weakening and deteriorating our facial skin cells over time. By contrast, clean and green beauty products are potent, plant-based, and cruelty-free, offering an alternative to traditional commercial based beauty products. 

Ditching the age-old visions of beauty as ‘anti-aging’ while distancing ourselves from the days of botox and beauty-at-any-cost, we are seeing a cultural shift that embraces a balanced and age-positive outlook of what beauty is, and can be. Healthy skin has never been more relevant. And when we are healthy, happiness usually isn’t far behind.

When I was designing Audre Leigh’s Beauty Seed Oil, I wanted to develop a serum that would incorporate all the natural, plant-based qualities powerful enough to make my skin sing. To this day, my skin still feels like a wonderful, ongoing operetta.  I believe in the power of plants, and the potency they offer. The ritual of massaging, touching and connecting with my skin and seeing the difference it makes is, for me, an act of self-care with unmistakable results and the first step towards actualizing my own happiness —  a happiness I love seeing in my face.

- Shannon Cleary


Colourful Eating for Spring


Colourful Eating for Spring

Colourful Eating for Spring

blog image from www.happyhealthycouple.com

Spring can be a fresh start for your nutrition. With a little more blue in the sky and green on the ground, it's a good time to think about your nutrition in terms of colours as well. The vitamins and minerals that are found in plants are visible through their colours, so start thinking about your plate as a rainbow. A good rule of thumb is to include at least 2 colours on every plate so that over the day you eat from all of the various groups. There are seven key colours for plant-based foods, each of which provides different key elements for health. 


The darker the blue hue, the higher the phytochemical concentration. Anthocyanins are antioxidants that are particularly heart healthy and may help support healthy blood pressure. They may also help lower risk of cancer.

Examples: Eggplant (especially the skin), blueberries, blackberries, prunes, plums, pomegranates


The natural plant pigment chlorophyll colors green fruits and vegetables.

Green vegetables are excellent sources of vitamin K, folic acid, potassium, as well as carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids. Folic acid is needed to prevent neural tube defects during pregnancy, and vitamin K is essential in blood clot formation. Diets high in potassium are associated with lowering blood pressure, and there is an inverse relationship between cruciferous vegetables and cancer, especially colon and bladder cancers.


These foods are high in lutein, beneficial for eye health, and vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. One surprise example is a pistachio, due to it's green-hued skin. 


Lycopene is the predominant pigment in reddish fruits and veggies. It is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with a reduced risk of some cancers, especially prostate cancer, and protection against heart attacks. Folate and vitamin C are also found here. 

Yellow/Orange & Orange

Beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene are all orange-friendly carotenoids and can be converted in the body to vitamin A, a nutrient integral for vision and immune function, as well as skin and bone health. In addition, they may have high levels of vitamin C, and some contain omega-3 fatty acids. They may also reduce the risk of heart disease and improve immune function,” she says.


Flavonoids are for the most part colourless. These are powerful antioxidants, and help the body to counteract free-radical formation. When free-radical damage goes unchecked, it can cause significant damage to body cells and tissues.  

Take-away message:

The benefits of eating produce are not dependent on eating raw foods. In fact, cooking enhances the activity of some phytochemicals, such as lycopene. Obtaining optimal benefit from the nutrients in food, especially produce, depends on proper selection, storage, and cooking of the produce. So enjoy a full rainbow of plant-based foods, and don't worry so much about their combinations or preparation methods. Find recipes you love to carry you through the seasons and benefit from the wellness this can bring. 

Eat your colours.png

To find out about Vegan Nutrition and ask Andrea any of your nutrition related questions, come to her Vegan Nutrition workshop Monday, April 30th from 7:30-8:30pm.


Vegan Chocolate Toffee Crunch


Vegan Chocolate Toffee Crunch

Vegan Chocolate Toffee Crunch


  • 4-6 unsalted matzohs
  • 1 cup Becel vegan margarine
  • 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1 package Enjoy Life mini chocolate chips


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Line a large (or two smaller) cookie sheet completely with foil. Cover the bottom of the sheet with baking parchment — on top of the foil. This is very important since the mixture becomes sticky during baking.
  2. Line the bottom of the cookie sheet evenly with the matzohs, cutting extra pieces, as required, to fit any spaces.
  3. In a 3-quart, heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine the margarine and the brown sugar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture comes to a boil (about 2 to 4 minutes). Boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and pour over the matzoh, covering completely.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven and immediately reduce the heat to 350°. Bake for 15 minutes, checking every few minutes to make sure the mixture is not burning (if it seems to be browning too quickly, remove the pan from the oven, lower the heat to 325°, and replace the pan).
  5. Remove from the oven and sprinkle immediately with the chopped chocolate or chips. Let stand for 5 minutes, then spread the melted chocolate over the matzoh. While still warm, break into squares or shapes. Chill, still in the pan, in the freezer until set.
  6. Variation: You can also use coarsely chopped white chocolate (or a combination of white and dark), and chopped or slivered toasted almonds (sprinkled on top as the chocolate sets). You can also omit the chocolate for a caramel-alone buttercrunch.


Vegan Date Sweet Potato Spelt Muffins


Vegan Date Sweet Potato Spelt Muffins

Vegan Date Sweet Potato Spelt Muffins
from geniuskitchen.com

A yoga student actually told me about this recipe! She said it is her favourite muffin recipe and it just happened to be vegan! Every time I bake them I get asked for the recipe, so I thought it would be a good one to start off the Spring Challenge with at Luna!

The recipe below has my own personal notes, but you can find the original recipe with nutrition info here: Vegan Date Sweet Potato Spelt Muffins


*Note: not all ingredients are pictured here!*

*Note: not all ingredients are pictured here!*

Wet Ingredients
- 4 very ripe bananas, mashed (don't skimp on the bananas! This makes the muffins super moist!)
- 1 cup sunflower oil (I substituted this with liquid coconut oil)

Add to wet ingredients
- 3⁄4 cup unbleached cane sugar (I used brown sugar)
- 1 cup chopped dates

Dry ingredients
- 3 cups spelt flour
- 1 3⁄4 cups oats
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- 2 cups cooked sweet potatoes, cubed


  1. Preheat oven to 375F. (Personally, I have an oven that runs a little on the hot side... So I usually reduce the recommended temperature by 25 degrees.)
  2. Combine the wet ingredients (mashed bananas and sunflower oil) in a bowl. Add the cane sugar and chopped dates. Set aside.
  3. Combine the dry ingredients. (I like to mix the dry ingredients first: flour, baking soda, cinnamon, oats and then add the cooked sweet potato cubes and then add all the wet ingredients)
  4. Bake at 375F for about 18 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. (Again, since my oven is hotter than most it seems, I bake for less than the recommended time. I felt that 14 minutes worked best my last batch)
  5. It's normal for these to appear crispy and golden on top. That does not mean they are overcooked. The crispy top is part of what makes them so delicious!

- Frances


Une rencontre marquante


Une rencontre marquante

Music and mantras, the yoga of mindful singing for health, happiness, peace & prosperity

Avez-vous déjà eu l’impression qu’en un instant tout semblait s’aligner comme par enchantement, que vous étiez au bon endroit au bon moment ? C’est ce qui m’est arrivé cet automne lors d’un arrêt dans une librairie au sud de l’Inde. En fouinant les tablettes au hasard, je tombe sur le livre Music and mantras, the yoga of mindful singing for health, happiness, peace & prosperity par Girish.

Léa et Myriam

Comme j’ai toujours aimé la musique (piano), le chant et le yoga, je suis tentée d’apporter ce bouquin à la maison mais mon sac à dos étant déjà bien rempli, j’eu quelques instants d’hésitation. Léa, ma compagne de voyage m’encouragea fortement à changer d’avis et était convaincue qu’il me fallait ce livre afin de pousser ma pratique plus loin.


Revenue à la maison, je dévorai le livre en question. Il ne me fallu pas plus d’une journée pour vraiment tomber sous le charme des mots et de l’histoire de Girish. J’avais une réelle connexion avec lui sans jamais même l’avoir rencontré. Son cheminement et son parcours sur la découverte de sa voix me toucha particulièrement et me fit réfléchir sur mon propre chemin de vie. À partir de ce moment là, je savais que je devais entrer en contact avec lui d’une façon ou d’une autre. En faisant quelques recherches sur le web, j’ai découvert qu’il enseignait le chant et l’harmonium par des cours à distance en ligne. LA CHANCE ! Je pouvais à la fois le remercier de m’avoir ouvert les yeux sur cette pratique qu’est le chant mantra mais en plus, j’aurais la chance d’apprendre directement du Maître.

Musicien et chanteur connu partout à travers le monde, Girish (Glenn Cruden) a aussi été moine dans un monastère hindou durant cinq années de sa vie. Il a collaboré et joué sur plus de 100 albums de musique dont notamment Krishna Das, Wah !, Snatam Kaur. J’étais donc euphorique à l’idée de prendre des leçons avec lui. Venant tout juste d’acheter mon harmonium (merci Frances :-) ), c’était le moment idéal d’approfondir ma pratique et de bien saisir les rudiments de l’instrument.

Il accepte alors de me prendre sous son aile et je sens déjà qu’une bonne chimie s’installe entre nous, tout ça malgré la distance. Il est d’une générosité incroyable et me pousse même à enregistrer mes propres compositions. Ma voix s’améliore de jour en jour et j’ai de plus en plus confiance en moi pour chanter et jouer de l’harmonium durant mes cours chez Luna.

Comme Girish voyage et part en tournée partout à travers les États-Unis, il me demande alors si  je veux le rejoindre sur la côte Est et l’accompagner à l’harmonium durant quelques représentations. Je saute sur l’occasion pour apprendre les chansons et les harmonies des chansons de son répertoire. Ce n’est pas tous les jours que l’on vous offre une chance en or comme ça. Je me sens très privilégiée qu’il me fasse confiance de la sorte. Je fais donc le voyage avec ma mère (merci maman :-) ) jusqu’au Massachussetts, à Kripalu plus particulièrement, un centre de yoga de renommée mondiale. Je le rencontre pour la première fois dans l’après-midi afin de pratiquer en vue du spectacle du soir. Il me met en confiance malgré le fait que je n’ai jamais participé à un Kirtan de ma vie (forme de chant appel et réponse). Je rencontre ses musiciens qui sont tout aussi charmants que lui. Le spectacle se déroule à merveille devant une foule déjà conquise par ses chansons.

Durant les jours qui ont suivi, j’ai profité de l’occasion pour assister à l’un de ses ateliers de chant, et j’ai aussi pu rechanter avec lui à quelques reprises. Je me considère particulièrement choyée et fière d’avoir un professeur qui me permette de vivre cette expérience mémorable, une expérience qui je le sens marquera le reste du cours de ma vie. J’ai aussi profité de sa présence pour lui faire signer ma copie de son bouquin. Il m’a alors fait promettre de remercier mon amie Léa pour l’achat du livre.

De tout mon cœur, merci Girish, merci Léa, merci la vie !

- Myriam Turenne


Yoga For Air - The Heart of the Amazon


Yoga For Air - The Heart of the Amazon

It was about 3 years ago when we had one of those beautiful evenings with good friends, where the conversations flowed and so did the wine. We talked about places we would love to explore and the Amazon Rainforest was on top of that list. Of course, we didn’t give this serious thought at the time, because who goes to the jungles besides trained explorers from National Geographic? So when the opportunity manifested a month later, we took it as a sign from the universe and found ourselves impulsively saying YES! 

YFA 4.jpg

The Amazon Rainforest is enriched and bustling with life, providing 20% of the planet's fresh oxygen supply, which we could immediately feel in each breath. The murky brown water at first appears polluted due to the fine sediments, however, it has traveled thousands of miles through a network of plant roots that detoxifies it and is probably one of the cleanest fresh water supplies in the world. 

The most noteworthy detail about the Amazon Rainforest is also the most intangible to measure and describe. As yogis through our practice, we open up our bodies as well as our minds. With each vinyasa, we become more hyperaware of the vibe and energy of our surroundings and how it affects us. In the Amazon, the best way to describe the energy is pure and full of life and it was magical.  

YFA 2.jpg

Near the end of our trip during one of our hikes, we came across the sad reality that threatened this magical place: deforestation. The Amazon Rainforest functions like a giant air purifier by absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide and in turn, produces oxygen. When cut or burned down it does the opposite and releases all those toxins back into the atmosphere. Deforestation also leaves many beautiful and endangered animal species homeless and their young vulnerable to illegal poaching, as well as destroying many undiscovered plants that could potentially be key to the next medical breakthrough.

Having the privilege of experiencing the energy in the Amazon enlightened us with simple solutions to complex world issues. It begins with the dedication and love to healing ourselves by healing the earth. Waking up each morning to the sunrise and hearing the animals celebrating the start of a new day, humbled us into realizing that we’ve been given another opportunity to make the world better. 


Through the many moments under the bright starlit skies, watching macaws flying above the jungle canopy, or hearing the howler monkey mark their territory through deep guttural growls, the spirit of the Amazon asked us to protect it. In those moments YOGA FOR AIR was brought into being and where our story begins. 

We wanted to create a brand that embodies the things that we LOVE most - yoga, nature, and modern design. Prints were photographed during a recent expedition up the Las Piedras river to one of the most pristine and biodiverse regions in the world. Our aim was to capture the raw essence of the Amazon jungle and express beauty that is natural and free-spirited.

Our yogi pants are made of a lightweight breathable high performance fabric designed for yoga. They offer the right amount of compression in order to fit perfectly like a second skin, allowing you to move freely. The yarns are spun from high-quality recycled PET to reduce plastic water bottles from being dumped into our earth and oceans, and printed using an eco-friendly process that does not use toxic chemicals or acids.

With each purchase you are supporting conservation of the Amazon Rainforests, as a portion of the proceeds goes towards Junglekeepers.

Eco-friendly Apparel | Made in Canada

- Steven Phan


​​​​​​​From Luna Yoga to Banff Yoga Festival


​​​​​​​From Luna Yoga to Banff Yoga Festival

From Luna Yoga to Banff Yoga Festival

Banff mountains

I spent my twenties living between Montreal and Banff. This beautiful dichotomy of mountain and city life was thrilling but sometimes left me wondering where I truly belonged. I found a sense of belonging at Luna Yoga, a beautiful studio in Old Montreal. I knew I found it because resources and geography aside, I would across the city, through the Montreal's cold winters, just to get to class. 

Kaeleigh Doherty

This was a place where yoga, music, and chanting not only could help you get through your Vīrabhadrāsana II, but even help you realize that your boyfriend, in last's nights argument, was just trying to do the best that he knew…

Fridays in Montreal became like Sunday service . This consisted of Jenn’s noon class followed by lunch with my favourite people at Olive & Gourmando. It was never missed. and if it was, life was a little more chaotic, busy, and just a little bit harder.

I went on to do my yoga teacher training with them in 2011. Still, I find that the teachings from Luna Yoga and Jivamukti have become a source of inspiration for what I do and who we involve in the Banff and Okanagan Yoga Festivals. It’s often assumed that the teachers and spaces with  the biggest Instagram following, the best website, and the best yoga photos should be the ones chosen to teach at our events. That probably would be a great driver of ticket sales...

Luna studio

But Luna Yoga is a precedent for the type of event BYF and OYF seek to become. Luna’s longevity is a testament to its authenticity. It’s one of the longest standing yoga studios in Montreal. And I think, It's because it has never veered away from their values, lineage, nor the traditional teachings of yoga.

At BYF & OYF, I seek the Luna Yogas of the world. I seek the Jennifer Maagendans, Terri McCulloms, Jeff Mahs, Mark Darbys, Mystee Maisonets, Lydia Zamoranos... The Erins, Randelles, Kates, Jillaines, Tiagas, Trishs, Lauras, Taras, Kristens, Andrews… The humble teachers you would walk across the city on the coldest day for.  These teachers act as a vessel to the teachings of an ancient lineage, none of us should ever claim as our own. Their goal is not to be Instafamous but to help you build a consistent relationship with yoga.  And while sure, I just name dropped, they would never. They would tell you not to practice only with them, but to find yoga in everything and everyone.

They help students build a consistent practice with yoga. How beautiful is that? And alas, this has become what the BYF and OYF seek to exude; consistency, foundation, and authenticity. That is, if I am a slave to the trends in our society, then I will always be at the mercy of their fluctuations. Sure, we will be vulnerable  and open to these trends, but only to reinforce who we are and what we stand for. Yogaś citta vṛtti nirodhaḥ. Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.  The experience of ceasing these fluctuations allows you to see and act from a place of intention versus reactivity, enabling you to be more authentic and true to your purpose and your place in this world.


I found a sanctuary and a sense of belonging in a quaint, character studio amongst the cobblestone streets of Old Montreal, whose teachings and community have inspired what I do today. And now, when I work, and when I travel, I seek to find authenticity, consistency, and the experience of Yoga.

Don't miss Jenn at the Banff Yoga Festival June 1st - 3rd!

- Kaeleigh Doherty


Fundamentals of Yoga


Fundamentals of Yoga


I am so excited to offer this 4 part workshop. It teaches an understanding of the anatomy and construction of the postures so that you can sense proper alignment of your body to catapult your practice and ensure it’s safety.

I came to my yoga mat as an adult, never having been a very physical child. I lived in a body of muscular tension and with a mind that was constantly racing. I started with videos at home - a great practice, but with no one to teach me alignment, I started questioning my body. Was I supposed to be feeling downward dog across my shoulder blades? As I moved forward in my practice, I noticed my body cracking open ever so slightly and my thoughts starting to slow. I needed the recipe for this magic, which turned into an AMAZING year of teacher training. I was blessed to land at Luna, which teaches a strong, mindful practice based on safe alignment and hands-on assists. AHHH, so this is what I was missing!!!! I was suddenly guided deeper into my body, and with a clear mind, was able to follow my teacher’s cues. Teacher training broke down each pose, and built it up with language and breath so that it had purpose and direction. My mind was blown wide open.

Now I aim to give you the same understanding. This workshop provides you, the beginner or seasoned yogi, the tools to mastering your own body, and the guidance to move into it. We will explore anatomy, alignment, props and cues, so that whether you have an active practice, are just stepping onto the mat for the first time, or are recovering from an injury, you do so safely and more effectively. This workshop will help unlock your understanding of you and your relationship to your body and your mat.  

- Andrea Rubin

To sign up for Andrea's Fundamentals of Yoga workshop click the button below:


Vegan Gingerbread Yogi Cookies


Vegan Gingerbread Yogi Cookies

Frances loves treating her students to Gingerbread Yogis the last class before the holidays!


from Simple Recipes for Joy by Sharon Gannon

1/2 pound (2 sticks) vegan margarine, at room temperature, plus more for greasing the baking sheet.
*I like to use the vegan butter brand "Melt" and I grease my baking sheet with a coconut oil aerosol can
1 cup sugar
Egg replacer equivalent of 1 egg
*I use a tbsp of ground flax whisked with 3 tbsps of water
1 cup molasses
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
5 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 tablespoon ginger
1 1/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves

In a large bowl, cream the margarine and sugar. Mix in the egg replacer, molasses and vinegar and set aside.
In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, salt, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well. 
Divide the dough into 3 equal balls, wrap tightly in plastic wrap or damp dishcloths and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight.
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly grease a 12 x 14 inch baking sheet with vegan margarine and set aside.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it sit for 5 minutes, until it is soft enough to roll. Using a rolling pin, roll each ball of dough out on a floured surface to a 1/4-inch thickness. If the dough is too crumbly, mix a very little bit of water into the dough to help it stick together. Using a cookie cutter, cut the dough into shapes and arrange them on the prepared baking sheet. For a traditional gingerbread man or woman, use a human-shaped cutter, but don't limit yourself - gingerbread cats and dogs and cows and chickens are people too and just as tasty and so much kinder than the real thing Trees, houses and geometric shapes also make great cookies. Bake for 6-8 minutes, or until the edges are brown.

Yogi cookie cutters

Remove from the oven, cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheet, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. While the cookies are cooling, make the icing.
*I use this super easy 3 ingredient Royal Icing recipe: http://theblenderist.com/vegan-royal-icing-aquafaba-recipe/ 
I like to add a little more icing sugar to get it thicker for easier piping.
When the cookies are cool, fill a pastry bag with the icing and using a number 2 tip, decorate your cookies.
Decorating options: Apply the frosting as an outline to suggest clothes or cover the whole surface of the cookie with frosting. Press into the frosting raisins, currants, chocolate chipes or nuts to form eyes, mouth, nose, buttons, etc.
*I use Patti Paige's (creator of Baked Ideas) piping tutorial on YouTube to decorate my Gingerbread Yogis! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzCg-OoelrI
*This recipe makes about 45 Gingerbread Yogis. 

- Frances Vicente

*I purchased my yogi shapes from https://www.bakedideas.com/ She is presently out of stock because they're so popular, but keep an eye out for when she has them back up! They are so worth it!



Vegan Holiday Recipes


Vegan Holiday Recipes

3 Vegan Appetizers to Bring to Your Next Holiday Party

The holiday season is upon us! We took three of our favourite easy-to-make vegan appetizers and prepared them to share with you. 

The first recipe we made was an Artichoke and Spinach Dip from The Full Helping. This dip is creamy and delicious, and it's not difficult to eat the whole thing in one sitting.

Artichoke and Spinach Dip ingredients

This recipe takes the most time to prep and cook, but it's well worth it! The recipe calls for Daiya mozzarella-style cheese, but instead we used Daiya cheddar slices and cut it up into smaller pieces (it still worked well and would work with any vegan cheese that's meltable). Pair the dip with your favourite raw veggies, crackers or bread! 


Artichoke and Spinach Dip
Quinoa Buffalo Bites ingredients

The second recipe we prepared was Quinoa Buffalo Bites from Mallory Maddox. These bites are perfect for dipping and easy to share with your friends and family! 

The recipe calls for 3 1/2 cups of oat flour, but we suggest 2 1/2 - 3 cups. Add just a little bit at a time until you find the right consistency (it should be easy to form the balls, but not be too sticky). We would also suggest adding more hot sauce to give the bites a little more oomph! Add your favourite dip on the side (they suggest vegan ranch, but it's also delicious with a Sriracha mayo - 1 cup of vegan mayo, 2 tablespoons of Sriracha hot sauce).


Buffalo Bites
Vegan Nachos ingredients

The final recipe is one of our favourites, super easy and a crowd favourite at any party; vegan nachos! The crunch from the fresh veggies and nachos, and the creamy queso makes for a delightful balance of textures and flavours. This recipe is so quick and simple that it can be made last-minute with ingredients you probably already have in your cupboard. 

We use an easy vegan queso from Hummusapien. Spread out a layer of nachos, add any fresh toppings you like (we used black beans, tomatoes, jalapeños and mashed avocado) and pour your vegan queso on top. No need to bake, only takes 10 minutes of preparation time and you're done!


Vegan Nachos
Anna and Jamie with vegan dishes





We had a great time making these recipes and we hope you enjoy sharing them with your friends and family this holiday season!

- Anna Kowaleski & Jaime Schmidt-Little