
  • LYTT grad 2020

  • teaches Yoga in the Park on Thursdays 6-7pm

I started practicing yoga long before lululemon and yoga jeans.  I first tried it out of curiosity while in university, and stuck with it because it made me feel calm, strong, and connected.  ~

It has been a joy to practice at studios in various cities and experience where different teachers can lead my body and my mind.  When I was a dancer, doing yoga was one of the ways I could keep strong and flexible.  Now that I am no longer working as a dancer, yoga serves as a door back into the sensations I used to feel when I was dancing and using my body as a creative tool. 

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When my kids were babies and toddlers, doing (or trying to do!) yoga with them was a wonderful way to connect and play.  Now, as a mom to older kids, I find it’s the yoga philosophy and pranayama (breath work) that really help me in my parenting: remembering to take a deep belly breath before I react, or reflecting on teachings about presence and compassion. 

I have always felt at home in yoga studios.  I love the little spots that we carve out for ourselves with our mats, the sound of a room of people chanting together, the serene but energized looks on people’s faces after a good practice.

Yoga is a deep pool.  I have enjoyed floating on the surface, and sometimes diving deeper.  I know that however much I learn, there is always more to know.

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