Our anniversary celebration was a huge success again this year, complete with a full class, sharing of stories, delicious food and fun surprises!

Full class

Before class Jenn shared a few words and stories about the studio's humble beginnings and how she never anticipated the impact that it would have in the community. Frances expressed how much the studio means to her, and how Jenn & Jason have positively impacted so many. And Bram, throughout the whole class, shared funny stories and anecdotes (as he always does!) but mainly emphasized how much gratitude we all share for our treasured studio space.

There was a lot of talk about community, and the anniversary class really brought that out... From the class taught by Bram and assisted by Jenn and Frances, to all the helping hands who put the gift bags together, to the delicious food prepared by one of our generous yogis, Mit, along with the delectable cookies baked by Jenn and Frances that very day. And of course, most important of all, all of the wonderful yogis who attended, some who have been there since the very beginning (and even before the studio opened!) and others who are new to our Luna family!

We extend so much humble thanks and gratitude to you all. Without you all the studio would simply not exist, and your presence, support and love is the foundation of your beautiful space.

There were many requests for us to share recipes from the event, so here they are!

Mit's Vegan Patties


Vegan Patties
  • 100 grams of cooked rice cooled overnight
  • 500 grams potatoes
  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 1 kg carrots
  • approx. 10 zucchinis (or any summer squash of your choosing)
  • olive oil
  • cumin and/or coriander seeds
  • salt, pepper, turmeric to taste
  • tarragon and coriander herbs
  • fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • mint leaves
  • fresh coriander
  • salt 
  • pepper
  • bread crumbs (optional)

- Boil the potatoes until they soften. Peel and let cool for 20 mins.
- Chop the cauliflower thinly and wash/rinse thoroughly.
- Put a frying pan on high heat with a few drops of olive oil, plus a pinch of cumin/coriander seeds, add cauliflower.
- Fry cauliflower to coat with olive oil, not cook through. It should still be hard on the outside, and a little softer on the inside.
- Lower the heat add salt, pepper and turmeric to taste and let sit for 5-7 mins.
- Remove from heat and transfer cauliflower into a bowl. Season with tarragon, coriander and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Toss and let cool for 20 mins.
- Lightly mash cooled potatoes until it makes a paste. Season with salt, pepper, half of a green hot chili pepper, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2 mint leaves, a couple of coriander leaves a few drops of fresh lemon juice.
- Mix cauliflower and potatoes together.
- Rinse carrot and zucchini (or squash) and grate into thin slices. Massage in 3-5 tsps of salt.
- Drain thoroughly (may take up to 30 mins to dry completely)
- Add seasoning to your liking: pepper, green herbs (parsley, coriander, mint, tarragon, rosemary)
- Add carrot and zucchini mixture to potato and cauliflower mixture.
- Mix pre-cooked rice and add seasoning if necessary.
- If you find the dough too moist you can add bread crumbs. This also adds a nice, crunchy texture. 
- Separate dough into round patties, about 1-2 inches thick. Cool in the refrigerator for 30-45 mins.
- Fry patties in olive oil on medium-high heat, 2-3 mins on each side. 

Veggie Side Dish


Veggie Side Dish
  • cherry tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • rosemary
  • 5 medium-sized onions
  • 2-3 red peppers
  • 2 carrots

- Cut in halves at least 5-7 boxes of cherry tomatoes of various colours, then drizzle with olive oil.
- Season with salt, pepper and rosemary.
- Bake for 90mins on 300F minimum, or overnight-slow heat is very good if you have time.
- Thinly cut onions, red peppers, carrots or any other desire grilled vegetables, bake for 90min on 300F the oven.
- Mix them with cherry tomatoes and add any desired green herbs, refrigerate this dish for 4-6 hrs before serving.

Ginger Cookies
Cowgrrrl Cookies
Vegan Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies

We're already looking forward to next year's anniversary festivities! Hope to see you then!
