Yoga teacher

Madeleine first stepped on her yoga mat in 2011 as a complement to her fitness regiment and later on, to help recover from a back injury. In 2017, a yoga retreat in South America changed everything; from then on, yoga and meditation became essential practices in her everyday life. Having felt the benefit of her regular practice, she enrolled in her first 200 hour teacher training(YACEP), which ended at the end of February 2020, then everything stopped for lockdown. In 2022, she finally completed her certification exams, signed up and completed a second teacher training certification (250 hrs) at Luna Yoga, where she was the recipient of the Luna Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship.

Madeleine loves more then anything being part of the amazing community here at Luna and wants to share yoga with others, as it's had such a positive impact on her life. She aims to teach a yoga that is true to yogic philosophy, accessible and inclusive for all.