“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.” — Christopher Germer

I’m going to start with a disclaimer: I have yet to find the balance between the demands of my life and creating space for ‘self-care’. In fact, the mere mention of the term ‘self-care’ fills me with a sense of failure. I should have time for taking baths, doing masks and taking yoga classes and yet, days can go by and none of those things happen.

Let me mention briefly that I am in the business of beauty + wellness. I designed my line of skincare products with a yogi’s heart and a sense of well-being; beauty based on balance. And I also spend my time behind the desk at Luna, surrounded by an amazing yoga community.

And yet, I still haven’t figured it out. I often have people ask me how many baths I must take with my bathing bombs, and the truth is, I take less baths now since I started my business than ever before. And I am a bath addict.

Striking a balance in our frantic society where busyness equals success is not easy. Burnout is becoming so common that the World Health Organization recognizes it as an official condition. Trying to ‘live your best life’ can be crippling, as we try to operate at an unsustainable pace.

That’s where yoga comes in, of course, and taking long hot baths, doing a face mask at home and treating yourself well. Being good to yourself in any way you see fit is the goal, but I’m going to suggest something else entirely. Something free, something that you can do anywhere, at any time. Try replacing ‘self-care’ with self-compassion. I have started this mantra for myself and I share it with you:

I am conscious. I am aware. I am doing my best.

Take stock in everything you do in your day, in your life and feel grateful that you can do as much as you do. If nothing else, this thought-process will slow you down. I’m reminded of one of Luna Yoga’s teachers Bram Levinson (author of The Examined Life) saying “Don’t be the first person standing in line to kick your own ass.” It’s a good mantra to start any ‘self-care’ routine.
