I am so excited to offer this 4 part workshop. It teaches an understanding of the anatomy and construction of the postures so that you can sense proper alignment of your body to catapult your practice and ensure it’s safety.

I came to my yoga mat as an adult, never having been a very physical child. I lived in a body of muscular tension and with a mind that was constantly racing. I started with videos at home - a great practice, but with no one to teach me alignment, I started questioning my body. Was I supposed to be feeling downward dog across my shoulder blades? As I moved forward in my practice, I noticed my body cracking open ever so slightly and my thoughts starting to slow. I needed the recipe for this magic, which turned into an AMAZING year of teacher training. I was blessed to land at Luna, which teaches a strong, mindful practice based on safe alignment and hands-on assists. AHHH, so this is what I was missing!!!! I was suddenly guided deeper into my body, and with a clear mind, was able to follow my teacher’s cues. Teacher training broke down each pose, and built it up with language and breath so that it had purpose and direction. My mind was blown wide open.

Now I aim to give you the same understanding. This workshop provides you, the beginner or seasoned yogi, the tools to mastering your own body, and the guidance to move into it. We will explore anatomy, alignment, props and cues, so that whether you have an active practice, are just stepping onto the mat for the first time, or are recovering from an injury, you do so safely and more effectively. This workshop will help unlock your understanding of you and your relationship to your body and your mat.  

- Andrea Rubin

To sign up for Andrea's Fundamentals of Yoga workshop click the button below:
