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Unplugged in the Bahamas

We just came back from one week on a small island in the Bahamas. Most of the time we had no Internet and no phone. It was so liberating. We had so much more time to read, walk, talk, play games, etc. Emails, texts and the iPhone are all so handy, but also so distracting. When we're away from it, we realize how attached we are, and how much time it takes up. So I'll keep this short and sweet... Close your computer, shut off your iPhone and take the time to unplug and enjoy life! xo
Join me this weekend for Lighten Up Your Inversions: A dynamic asana practice infused with pranayama on Friday evening and a Jivamukti class on Sunday afternoon at Centre Luna Yoga.



Yoga in Banff

I'm just back from an amazing trip to Golden, B.C., where I visited my sister, her boyfriend, and my brand new nephew Devon! He's so adorable, words can't even begin to describe him.

While planning my trip out west, Kaeleigh (a student/friend/receptionist at Luna) hooked me up with Mindy from Rocky Mountain Yoga in Banff, and together organized a workshop.

The Banff yoga community was so welcoming and enthusiastic, it was amazing! I never know how people are going to react to Jivamukti Yoga, especially if they're coming from a softer or quieter practice, but everyone was super receptive and eager to learn more (for most people it was their first Jivamukti experience).

I love teaching in new places, meeting new people, and sharing yoga experiences. I feel very lucky to be doing something I love, and getting to travel too! Thanks to Kaeleigh, Mindy, and everyone who came out for the workshop.
Pic 1: Suzanne, Chris & Devon
Pic 2: Workshop at Rocky Mountain Yoga
Pic 3: Me & Mindy
Pic 4: Yoga Master Devon (in baby cobra)

P.S. If you ever visit Golden, BC, check out Chris's restaurants "The Kicking Horse Grill" and "The Fire Pit Smokehouse"... super yummy (there's even veggie options!)