• Luna Yoga (map)
  • 231 Rue Saint-Paul Ouest
  • Montréal, QC, H2Y 2A2
  • Canada

Yin: Restoring Hidden Flow
Saturday March 24, 2018, 2:00-4:00pm

A 2-hour Yin Yoga Workshop with Leah Vineberg

Turning our attention inward to meet and tend to tensions and resistance, Yin yoga brings all that is stagnant back into flow. Yin is a quiet, meditative practice that focuses on the meridians (energetic lines), organs and joints. Most poses are seated or lying down. The practice is more passive and receptive than a typical Hatha practice and we stay in each pose for 3-5 minutes. While the muscles benefit enormously from the deep stretch, there is no muscular exertion in a Yin practice. It is a very engaged, deep inner-listening experience, and a wonderful complement to any Hatha practice. Participants develop the capacity to be generously and lovingly present toward themselves and toward whatever arises during and beyond the formal yoga session, and come away feeling embodied, nourished, peaceful and clear. 

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
- Edith Wharton

$40 + tax ($35 + tax by March 17)


Leah headshot

Leah Vineberg has been facilitating wellness classes, workshops and retreats in community and in businesses for the last 10 years professionally. A certified teacher in the Iyengar, Yin, and Kripalu yoga traditions, Leah has also done extensive training in Mindfulness In The Workplace, Mindful Communication, Relational Culture, Art of Hosting and Clean Language coaching. An adoring student of Ken McLeod, Leah has also had the great fortune of studying directly with Mirabai Bush, Pema Chodron, Tim Olmsted, Sharon Salzberg, Hart Lazer and Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. Passionate about sharing tools and facilitating experiences for deeper, more meaningful connections within ourselves and with each other, Leah founded landwithin.com, and is presently doing a Masters degree in Human Systems Intervention at Concordia University.