• Luna Yoga (map)
  • 231 Rue Saint-Paul Ouest
  • Montréal, QC, H2Y 2A2
  • Canada

Chakra Tuning with Frances Vicente
Saturday December 9, 2017, 5:00-7:00pm

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. The chakras are energy centres in the subtle body. Though they are part of our subtle anatomy they have physical reference points, throughout the body and along the spine. They represent levels of consciousness and correspond to our senses, the elements, our organs as well as our actions (karmas) and relationships in the past. The various different yoga asanas (postures) allow us to access and heal our karmic relationships. When combined with chanting mantra and high intention we can resolve our past karmas and return to a space of ease within ourselves and find a deeper sense of connection.

In this workshop you will learn about 7 chakras and all of the various aspects of yourself that they relate to. Chanting mantras while engaging in asana and high intention will add a deeper experience to your practice and allow you to release and resolve karmas and relationships you are holding on to from your past, which cause discomfort and dis-ease. This workshop will leave you feeling more grounded, more open, more connected and with a deep sense of restored inner peace.


To add yourself to the waitlist please email us at info@lunayoga.ca